Welcome to the British Society for Skin Care in Immunosuppressed Individuals (BSSCII) website
BSSCII’s purpose is to promote improved patient management and medical and scientific research that is relevant for skin diseases in immunocompromised individuals including organ transplant recipients, those on long term immunosuppressive medications, haematological conditions and HIV infection, as well as addressing skin toxicities related to cancer treatments.

Meetings and Events

Membership is open to all medically and scientifically qualified individuals with an interest in skin disease in immunocompromised individuals. Click here to find out more.

This website enables professionals and patients to collaborate in order to improve services. If there is any material you think the membership would find useful and you would like to share, please use the Contact Page to get in touch.

Patient Information
BSSCII provides a great resource of patient Information.
Please take time to explore the site.